Next Generation Contactless workshops

Over the past few months, during conversations with several prominent UK charities, a recurring theme has emerged: the need to develop a next-generation contactless donation strategy.

With our extensive experience in this space and the launch of www.Donation.Tech, we are excited to offer our expertise in collaboration with the industry leading expert Ben Black who has evolved cashless giving with numerous charities and grown contactless giving at the RNLI in his role as National Donation Development Manager to a million pound income stream. Together, we’re providing immersive workshops, directly at your location, to inspire your donation teams and help them optimise their contactless donation strategies.

Our interactive workshops are an affordable entry point, offering you the chance to integrate industry-leading experience into your organisational donation efforts.

What Will You Gain?

We are initially offering 20 exclusive sessions, available on a first-come, first-served basis. During these sessions, we’ll visit your site to meet with your donation team and guide a comprehensive review of your current contactless donation strategy. The workshop will include ideation, feasibility discussions, and implementation strategies. We will also address success measurement techniques.

The result of the workshop is a series of actionable recommendations tailored specifically to your charity’s needs.

Why “Next Generation” Contactless?

In today’s increasingly cashless society, contactless donations are essential for charities, as they simplify the giving process and make it quick, convenient, and accessible for donors.

But, a successful contactless donation strategy goes beyond just placing a tap-and-pay reader at donation points. For lasting donor relationships, it’s crucial to create an emotional and memorable experience—one that leaves a lasting impression. Donors are more likely to develop lifelong connections with charities when their first donation experience is truly delightful and touches the heart.

Currently, many contactless donation points are impersonal, lacking the charm and engagement of traditional cash donations. Think of the iconic experiences like launching an RNLI lifeboat by dropping a coin or contributing to Guide Dogs by placing cash into a life-sized dog model. These moments created lasting emotional connections.

During our workshop, we’ll share what’s possible with new and emerging technologies. We’ll draw on lessons from interactive contactless giving to help your team create a deeply engaging, effective contactless donation strategy.


A one-day Next Generation Contactless Workshop with two leading experts embedded within your charity is available for £700, plus expenses (excluding VAT).

Photograph of Nick Thompson and Ben Black
The workshop is lead by industry experts Ben Black, National Donation Development Manager at RNLI, and Nick Thompson, Director of Donation.Tech and Solder Creative

Book your place

Complete the form to book your place on the one-day workshop. We will follow up with an email invoice for payment and book your preferred date.